Room 4
Scott Slusher
Balancing his signature cowboy aesthetic with a background in fashion, photographer and director Scott Slusher is just as comfortable shooting a Times Square beauty campaign as he is capturing the white-knucked action of the rodeo. The photographer and motion artist has a degree in fashion design from the Art Institute of Dallas and has been recognized by the Shorty Awards.
Scott’s father, a famous Oklahoma horse doctor, gave him his first film camera, which sparked a lifelong fascination with the rugged beauty of the West. Scott’s imagery tells the stories of grizzled motorcyclists, noble steers, sharp-eyed cowgirls and lifelong artisans. Despite always being in the center of the action, his imagery is less defined by adrenaline-fueled dramatic moments, but rather the controlled burn of a wider narrative.
Scott is based in Dallas, Texas and can usually be spotted by his trademark neckerchief.